Thomas J Shepstone's Blog (1,194)

If Solar Is So Great Why Does Southern Tier Solar Works Deceive?

Southern Tier Solar Works has again tried to silence Vic Furman, but he has a question. Why, if solar is so great? And, why are they practicing deception?

There’s something rotten going on with Southern Tier Solar Works. Readers of NaturalGasNOW may recall a post I wrote back in June when Southern Tier…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 26, 2018 at 2:24am — No Comments

Sorry, DEP, But Your Environmental Justice Con Game Stinks

Like the word “stakeholder” the environmental justice con game is just another political tool for empowering special interests through proxies never given.

Every time I hear the phrase “environmental justice,” I want to scream “Where’s my damned justice?” The whole concept stinks. The basic theory is that “communities and populations should not be disproportionally exposed to adverse environmental impacts.” The fundamental premise is that “historically,…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 25, 2018 at 3:33am — No Comments

Nick Grealy Is Smiling Up There: Brits Finally Start Fracking in Lancashire

If our friend Nick Grealy was still around he’d be writing something very clever about the news; the Brits are finally going to start fracking in Lancashire.

Nick Grealy was speaking up for shale gas in the UK and around the world long before I got to it. I discovered his No Hot Air website very early in our own struggle and found it to be a wonderfully witty, in-your-face, source of information and attitude. Nick left us for a better place not so…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 25, 2018 at 2:37am — No Comments

Simplistic Slogans Are No Help in Building Energy Infrastructure

Dan Markind offers a common sense approach to the challenge of rebuilding our nation’s energy infrastructure; drop the simplistic slogans and work together.

California and the Southwest are sweltering under one of the worst heat waves since the 1930’s dust bowl. Under such brutal conditions, residents face the added insult of rolling power brownouts.

Temperatures north of Los Angeles in the San Fernando Valley are approaching 110…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 25, 2018 at 2:05am — No Comments

DEP Says Shale Gas Air Impacts Limited, But Fractivists Deny Reality

Shale gas air impacts are limited, according to a recent study by Pennsylvania DEP, but Clean Air Council fractivists simply deny the reality, of course.

You really don’t need to know a lot more about the Clean Air Council’s lack of intellectual honesty than to read trust-funder Joseph Otis Minott’s statement regarding a recent Pennsylvania DEP air quality study finding shale gas air impacts to be limited. Here’s …


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 24, 2018 at 4:19am — No Comments

Cuomo Donations Show Special Interest Agenda Behind “Clean Energy”

Gov. Andrew Corruptocrat Cuomo does nothing except for money and Cuomo donations show the money is coming from special interest “clean energy” investors.

Politico New York, no friend of fracking, has been diligent in exposing the special interest agendas of those seeking political favor through Cuomo donations. A recent …


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 24, 2018 at 1:48am — No Comments

Cabot Call Hims Out: Bill Huston, You Have A Problem

Binghamton Bill Huston told a whopper the other day, revealing a combination of arrogance and ignorance in his passionate desire to attack Cabot Oil & Gas.

As a responsible corporation, Cabot believes that educating the public about oil and natural gas production is part of our duty. When we hear concerns from the public regarding our operations, we do our best to respond with factual information. Transparency and accuracy, however, is a two way…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 23, 2018 at 2:00am — No Comments

Renewable Energy Subsidies Dwarf Those Provided Oil & Gas

Market-distorting renewable energy subsidies, according to the Energy Information Administration, dwarf those allocated to oil, gas and other fossil fuels.

At the request of the Secretary of Energy, the Energy Information Administration (EIA), an independent agency of the U.S. Department of Energy, evaluated the subsidies that the federal government provided energy producers for…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 22, 2018 at 2:05am — No Comments

Broome County, New York Substitutes Solar Crumbs for Natural Gas Feast

Broome County, New York is now into the self-deception business, promoting nonexistent solar “savings” when what the county needs is natural gas development.

We have nothing against solar energy–honestly. Yes, in one sense solar competes with natural gas, but hey, let the best energy source win! Truth be told, we need all energy sources, not just one. So please understand this is not a “bash solar” story. However, we do have a problem when politicians and…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 21, 2018 at 10:44pm — No Comments

FERC to Constitution Pipeline: A Year Means A Year, You Shoulda Fought

Sadly, FERC has once again refused to help Constitution Pipeline avoid the consequences of letting itself to be double-crossed by Gov. Andrew Corruptocrat.

FERC, in a decision released yesterday, has denied the Constitution Pipeline. This time it was the rejection of an excellently drafted request for a rehearing on the basis that the New York State DEC’s two refiling requests were nothing but a ruse to delay and ultimately deny the project. The DEC, which…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 20, 2018 at 1:31am — No Comments

Heinz Endowments Funds Radical Fractivist Attorneys

The Heinz Endowments is funding radical fractivist attorneys whose real goal is the destruction of capitalism and replacement of it with failed socialism.

During his wife’s campaign for political office, it was revealed that Jordan Yeager, the Delaware Riverkeeper’s radical attorney, was a member of the …


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 19, 2018 at 3:28am — No Comments

Brookhaven Decision on Power Plant A Sign of Peak Fractivism and Return of Reason

The recent decision by the Brookhaven, Long Island Town Board to approve a gas power plant is evidence of a return to reason and rejection of fractivism.

Caithness Energy is a privately held company that specializes in buying or building (and operating) renewable energy and natural gas-fired power plants. We’ve written about a number of …


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 19, 2018 at 2:59am — No Comments

Let FERC Know Timely Decisions Are Needed for Pipelines

Let FERC know you are in favor of revising their natural gas infrastructure review procedures to be more transparent, understandable and timely.

Natural gas has rapidly become the Untied State’s fuel of choice. It is really no surprise as it has become so abundant and affordable. Natural gas has taken over where coal left off for power-generation as it is more economical and cleaner for the environment.

Natural gas pipeline development is imperative…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 18, 2018 at 6:30am — No Comments

Justification for DRBC Fracking Ban Is A Fear-Mongering Diatribe

The official justification for the DRBC fracking ban is a fear-mongering diatribe. It supposes equipment failure and human error. It’s analysis paralysis.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca was a Roman philosopher and statesman who died at his own hand in the year 65 AD on the order of Emperor Nero. He lived in especially fearful times. Yet, he penned a…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 18, 2018 at 2:01am — No Comments

The “Stupid Is As Stupid Does” World of Fractivism and So Much Else

James E. Smith explains how, we as a society, need to stand up and demand people to “stop doing stupid” if we are to grow socially and economically.

An old adage says we should “gladly suffer fools.” The opposing view is that we should “stop doing stupid.” Either way, the key concern is the direct impact that not confronting stupid or shortsighted actions has on morale and the…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 17, 2018 at 2:51am — No Comments

Ocean City Stands Firm: No Wind Turbines on Our Horizon

Residents of Ocean City, Maryland have made it clear, they do not want huge wind turbines obstructing their view and incentives will not change their minds.

Over a year ago, the Maryland Public Service Commission approved wind turbines to be located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Ocean City, Maryland, and the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has been reviewing those plans. But the town of Ocean City is creating a problem for the wind…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 16, 2018 at 3:22am — No Comments

Maya Strikes Out in Court Again; On Environmental Rights Amendment

The Delaware Povertykeeper a/k/a Riverkeeper has gotten mowed over in court again; this time is a defeat for Maya’s cherished Environmental Rights Amendment.

Ever since the Delaware Riverkeeper conned a soon to retire Pennsylvania Supreme Court Chief Justice into using the Commonwealth’s environmental rights amendment for legacy building street cred with his Philadelphia pals. Maya van Rossum, the Delware Riverkeeper in the flesh as she is prone to remind anyone…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 14, 2018 at 11:34pm — No Comments

Natural Gas-Fired Electricity Generation Up; CO2 Emissions Down

The Energy Information Administration reports natural gas-fired electricity generation continues to increase as CO2 emissions continue to drop as a result.

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported yesterday that natural gas-fired electricity generation is up again and continues to grow. Meanwhile, our CO2 emissions are down to 1992 levels when our Gross Domestic Product was but a third of what it is today. It’s no coincidence.

Here’s the…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 13, 2018 at 3:09am — No Comments

Narcissistic Anti-Pipeline Extremists Undermining Their Own Cause

Anti-pipeline extremists are slowly destroying their own movement, such as it is, by their attention-starved narcissistic behavior. They are off the rails.

Reality and facts are taking a real toll on the “Keep It in the Ground” movement.

Last May, citing the need to “store and deliver natural gas to a greater number of New Hampshire customers,” the New Hampshire State Senate …


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 13, 2018 at 2:18am — No Comments

Power Plant Developer Responds to Slimy Green Ulster County Executive

Developer of the proposed Ulster County 20 megawatt power plant fired back at “several inaccurate assertions” made by the County Executive.

Another case of irrational fossil fuel hatred has cropped up in (surprise!) New York State, in Ulster County (Hudson Valley area). This time the hater is Democrat County Executive Michael Hein. He doesn’t want a teeny tiny 20 megawatt gas-fired…


Added by Thomas J Shepstone on July 12, 2018 at 3:42am — No Comments

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