
Penn Land Owners

*No Promo Zone. This group is for land owners in Pennsylvania to share information about anything concerning the Marcellus Shale.

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December Statement From Chesapeake

Started by Darlene C Falcone Feb 8, 2016. 0 Replies

Elizabeth Twp Pa

Started by scott m. Last reply by scott m Aug 17, 2015. 2 Replies

Greene County producing wells

Started by Chris Vaught. Last reply by Martha Ann Murray Jun 17, 2015. 1 Reply

Pike County Pa

Started by Daniel Treinkman. Last reply by Brian Oram, PG Mar 26, 2014. 3 Replies

Water testing in Bradford County

Started by Dave. Last reply by Brian Oram, PG Mar 26, 2014. 18 Replies

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Comment by CJK on March 18, 2010 at 7:43am
I have run in to quite a few people that have said that the people complaining in Dimock (is this the location you are discussing?) have always had bad water. What proof of that does anyone have that they can share with us? I cannot imagine a person living in a house that has had water like the water I have seen samples of. I guess no one can prove their side unless their water was tested prior to the drilling, this is critical. Did Cabot test the water as required?
Comment by daniel cohen on March 18, 2010 at 5:25am
Dear rfs,
Your past posts have articulated a position with some thought behind it. Your last post does not. It is beneath you, and an insult to the reader. You sadden and disappoint me. The real loser is not your audience as much as yourself. You are capable of much better.
Comment by Robin Fehrenbach Scala on March 18, 2010 at 3:00am
Regarding your post about the properties on Carter Road, I have seen the place and don't think the fact that they have (and no doubt always had) methane in the water would matter much.
It's not exactly the most enticing road in town if you know what I mean.
Comment by CJK on March 16, 2010 at 8:03am
Like the support. Right now I am in the process of drafting a "Letter of Concerns wth regard to Responsible Gas Exploration" with others in my area. Please email me privately I would like to discuss particulars. This discussion would only unnecessarily bog up this site. my email is It would be great to have another set of ideas in all of this.
Comment by daniel cohen on March 16, 2010 at 3:58am
Dear CJK,
Agreed. All that you say is very accurate. Are we ready yet to try to put together a group to address these concerns? Should we exchange email addresses and seek to craft a document apart from this site, or should we try to put one together right here? I'm game for anything that can bring us all to a win-win situation. John, your intellect could help greatly here, along with so many others, some still not yet heard from.

So guys, are we at the point to take the next, more difficult, step and concretize our thoughts?
Comment by CJK on March 16, 2010 at 3:30am

That is the difficult part. I am finding more and more people that are responsible for that type of change have become the cheerleaders for the gas industry, That is they are either getting direct contributions from the gas industry or they are sold that the industry will bring a big economic boom to the area, so they do not want to do anything that would ruin that. John and all other pro gas folks please do not take this in the wrong way. I do believe that this industry will be an economic boom to the area, long deserved and surely needed. I wish the powers that be would have paid a little more attention to saving small farms because I think that was a big mistake. It is a crying shame that farmers and and owners can make more money off of one gas lease now than they probably did working 24/7 all their lives. Sad reality. But on the other hand we need to be responsible so the clean up does not become the financial and emotional burden of the landowners and the local municipalities. I believe that the legislature, DEP, EPA and the industry have to step up the responsibility. We the people, have to demand that they do, most people wil not react until it directly involves them. Most people are by and large reactive and not proactive.
This morning in my local paper is another report of a methane leak in a home. Talisman is not claiming responsibility, they are smart. But they are helping out with water. They are doing this very strategically in preparation for the possible lawsuits to follow. Once again guys, I am not against the industry, I am against the methods they are chosing to use when others are available.
Comment by daniel cohen on March 16, 2010 at 3:06am
Dear John,
I would have thought that by now scare tactics from either side of the issue isn't the point anymore. There is serious need for the focus to be on how best to protect us all-the landowner, the companies involved, the aquifer and the land itself. Let's use our best intellect to craft guidelines, and then to determine how best to implement. In the past you John have listed many good points to consider- your latest conflab with Marie is not of the same caliber, and rather beneath who you are. We can all do better-we must do better.

Marie and others speak with heart and passion- for that we need to be grateful, to heed their words, and to craft effective ways to protect all. We have yet to move into that stage and we do need to go there.

I know that Marie continues to try to educate herself by attending conferences on the issues- and we can benefit from what she shares, so nit-picking from anyone is way off the mark.

Would putting together a document that states our concerns and outlines possible remedies be of value?

Comment by John Reed on March 16, 2010 at 2:51am
So I know. You have not said a single word about the positives of drilling. It has been all negative. You offer no input on how to improve things. Your main focus is to sway people into buying into your scare tactics.
Comment by John Reed on March 15, 2010 at 11:43pm
Marie what's up with your profile ? Are you in disguise or something ? Your listed as a male from Schenectady NY ?

marie cullison
■Schenectady, NY
■United States
Comment by John Reed on March 15, 2010 at 11:32pm
You know what's funny. I just looked at the pictures this site has to offer. Some really nice stuff. Drilling pads, equipment, ariel views of well pads that look nice and neat. Then I see one of a dead cow. I didn't even need to read the name associated with the picture. I knew right away.... Yep, you guessed it, Marie. That shows me with certainty she has one agenda...

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