
Penn Land Owners

*No Promo Zone. This group is for land owners in Pennsylvania to share information about anything concerning the Marcellus Shale.

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Latest Activity: Feb 14, 2021

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December Statement From Chesapeake

Started by Darlene C Falcone Feb 8, 2016. 0 Replies

Elizabeth Twp Pa

Started by scott m. Last reply by scott m Aug 17, 2015. 2 Replies

Greene County producing wells

Started by Chris Vaught. Last reply by Martha Ann Murray Jun 17, 2015. 1 Reply

Pike County Pa

Started by Daniel Treinkman. Last reply by Brian Oram, PG Mar 26, 2014. 3 Replies

Water testing in Bradford County

Started by Dave. Last reply by Brian Oram, PG Mar 26, 2014. 18 Replies

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Comment by daniel cohen on March 15, 2010 at 4:43pm
Dear CJK,
You speak well, truthfully and to the point. Your suggestions for best practices are certainly in the direction we should all strive for. How would you suggest we try to implement them or to bring them about?
Comment by CJK on March 15, 2010 at 4:29pm
Pennsylvania has a large amount of private wells serving their population. All of these wells are at risk. The springs used as the only water source for some is at even a greater risk. Not only can they be damaged in quality but there is a high risk of their flow being totally cut off or reduced due to seismic testing, drilling, etc. A small shift in the earth could cause some to lose their water source. How is a person to prove that? Who do you think has a better chance of winning in a court of law, if the person is even able to afford to take it to the courts?
Comment by CJK on March 15, 2010 at 4:21pm
Injection wells should not even be considered, especially since there is technology available that could treat the fracking water to a safe drinking state and then reintroduced into our aquifer.
Comment by CJK on March 15, 2010 at 4:19pm
There are practices that we could require the gas companies follow that would decrease the risks inherent in the drilling process. There are methods and chemicals that are safer to use than those being used presently. It is also possible to treat the fracking fluid back to drinking water standards, it may be expensive but it can be done. The gas companies should also be required to do extensive baseline testing of both quality and quantity of water in the regions in which they are drilling. Not just 1000 feet from the drill site. These and other Best Practices should be required for the gas industry to follow. Let's have some preventive measures instead of having to worry about clean up measures.
Comment by CJK on March 15, 2010 at 4:06pm
John: I had to go away for awhile so this is a response to an earlier post. Your response regarding to agriculture and their contribution to pollution just shows your ignorance. I am not proud of the some of the things that the agricultural industry has and continues to use. My family has chosen not to, we have an organic farm, but farming although it has been the scapegoat for pollution for many years, that blame is far from the truth. Percentage wise and population density wise people in general pollute far more than agriculture does. More people put roundup in their backyards, use household chemicals and on and on, than the average farmer uses on per acre, per person basis. If you think that my cows and livestock are causing irresponsible pollution by defecating on my fields I do not, what they leave behind is biodegradable and if handled appropriately will not damage the environment. Our farm has a conservation plan, nutrient management plan, and an organic plan. My farm is more highly regulated than the gas industry.

Your comparison to volcanoes and geysers is not logical because they are not something you can prevent, that is natural. The fact that low level radio active metals come up with them is not necessarily a good thing but do you really want to unnecessarily add more pollutants to our environment when there are better ways to do handle it?
Comment by Carol on March 15, 2010 at 2:21pm
You don't seem to think people should make up their own minds - you keep writing about the same thing over and over. You haven't given any stronger evidence against drilling than others have given in support of it. I don't think you are going to change anyone's opinion.
There are many people on this site because they support drilling. I am one of those people. There are responsible companies out there.
I joined this website for information, but now I'm just reading it for entertainment.
There are risks involved with many things but there are so many potential benefits to drilling.
Comment by Robin Fehrenbach Scala on March 15, 2010 at 1:10pm
I do think that those of you who are so anti-everything should move. Moving is a viable option at this point and (assuming you own property) would net you a very nice sum of money to settle somewhere and start a commune.
Comment by Robin Fehrenbach Scala on March 15, 2010 at 1:05pm
It would make no difference to you at all if we could prove without a doubt that gas drilling is not to blame for all the problems you think it causes.

So why do you bother?
Comment by John Reed on March 15, 2010 at 10:28am
They are being nothing but ignorant and refuse to budge. They are fanatics with 0 common sense as I see it. They speak 1/2 truths at best. We don't need 1/2 truths.
Comment by daniel cohen on March 15, 2010 at 10:18am
Dear John,
You play a no-win game with your comments. Clearly you know better than most the dangers involved, the need for proper regulations and the need for the landowners to be extremely cautious for their own and their neighbors best interests.

Yet you choose to poke fun at those trying to address the situations and suggest remedies to try to correct the inequities.

Word games are fun in the proper place and at the proper time-but this is neither.You do no one any good with name calling and finger pointing. Perhaps the saddest point is that you are using your good intellect in such a poor way.

Marie, Carolyn & CJK are trying to be both realistic and positive in how best to proceed, and all you can do is to poke fun? You can do much better.


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